版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
Everyday tons of articles are published online and finding good quality contents is becoming harder and harder.
Our mission to help you in this, allowing to read interesting and good-quality content without advertisements or distractions.
Filterss is a smart RSS reader, it is totally free without ads and without limits.
It allows you to read articles from your favorite RSS feeds, organized by date to give you the most fresh content or by rating to give you the most rated and interesting content of the day.
Filterss also works offline. If you can connect to the network you can always read the previously store articles.
You can search feeds, or add it your owns, and then organize them in folders called MULTIFEEDS. If you spot an interesting article you can save them in a COLLECTION.
Multifeeds and Collections are saved in your account and they are always available on all your device for free, all you need is an email to register an account.
You can read and share publications and articles from magazines, online newspapers, blogs, etc. directly from one place. Because it is works with RSS, Filterss is an open system: you can add any RSS feed and read it wherever you go.
If you want to help us improving Filterss please send a feedback here: https://forms.gle/t4Po6jGbSdcfcvj28